Spanish Urban Renting Law In English. Spain’s Tenancy Act. TITEL I: Ambit of the law

WARNING Law 29/1994, of 24 November, on Urban Leases was last amended at the beginning of 2019.
Find here the LAST VERSION in force since 6 March 2019.


Spanish Urban Renting Law 29/1994, of 24 November. PREAMBLE

NOTE: This translation is not official – It is for information purposes only

.-Titel 1 Ambit of the law
.-Titel II. Of housing leases
.-Titel III. Rentals for other than residential use
.-Titel IV. Common provisions
.-Title V. Rental processes

Ambit of the law

Article 1. Ambit of application.

This law establishes the legal regime applicable to the leasing of urban property for housing or for uses other than housing.

Article 2. Renting a home.

1. A dwelling lease is considered to be a lease on a habitable building whose primary purpose is to satisfy the tenant’s permanent need for housing.

2. The rules governing the rental of housing shall also apply to furniture, storage rooms, garage spaces and any other premises, rented spaces or services provided as accessories to the property by the lessor himself.

Article 3. Leasing for use other than as a dwelling.

1. A lease for use other than as a dwelling is considered to be a lease which, when it falls on a building, has as its primary purpose one other than that established in the previous article.

2. In particular, this consideration shall apply to the rental of urban properties held on a seasonal basis, whether summer or otherwise, and to those held for industrial, commercial, craft, professional, recreational, welfare, cultural or educational purposes, regardless of the persons holding them.

Article 4. Applicable regime.

1. The leases governed by this Law shall be subject to the provisions of Titles I and IV of this Law and to the provisions of the following paragraphs of this Article.

2. Respecting what is established in the previous section, the housing leases will be governed by the pacts, clauses and conditions determined by the will of the parties, within the framework of what is established in title II of the present law and, in addition, by what is established in the Civil Code.

3. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1, leases for use other than for housing are governed by the will of the parties, failing this, by the provisions of Title III of this Act and, in addition, by the provisions of the Civil Code.

4. The exclusion of the application of the provisions of this law, when possible, should be made expressly with respect to each of them.

5. The parties may agree to submit to mediation or arbitration those disputes that by their nature can be resolved through these forms of conflict resolution, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation governing mediation in civil and commercial matters and arbitration.

6. The parties may indicate an electronic address for the purposes of making the notifications provided for in this Law, provided that the authenticity of the communication and its content is guaranteed and that it is a reliable record of the complete transmission and receipt of the notification and of the moment at which it was made.

Artículo 5. Arrendamientos excluidos.

Quedan excluidos del ámbito de aplicación de esta ley:

a) El uso de las viviendas que los porteros, guardas, asalariados, empleados y funcionarios, tengan asignadas por razón del cargo que desempeñen o del servicio que presten.

b) El uso de las viviendas militares, cualquiera que fuese su calificación y régimen, que se regirán por lo dispuesto en su legislación específica.

c) Los contratos en que, arrendándose una finca con casa-habitación, sea el aprovechamiento agrícola, pecuario o forestal del predio la finalidad primordial del arrendamiento. Estos contratos se regirán por lo dispuesto en la legislación aplicable sobre arrendamientos rústicos.

d) El uso de las viviendas universitarias, cuando éstas hayan sido calificadas expresamente como tales por la propia Universidad propietaria o responsable de las mismas, que sean asignadas a los alumnos matriculados en la correspondiente Universidad y al personal docente y de administración y servicios dependiente de aquélla, por razón del vínculo que se establezca entre cada uno de ellos y la Universidad respectiva, a la que corresponderá en cada caso el establecimiento de las normas a que se someterá su uso.

e) La cesión temporal de uso de la totalidad de una vivienda amueblada y equipada en condiciones de uso inmediato, comercializada o promocionada en canales de oferta turística y realizada con finalidad lucrativa, cuando esté sometida a un régimen específico, derivado de su normativa sectorial.

.-Titel 1 Ambit of the law
.-Titel II. Of housing leases
.-Titel III. Rentals for other than residential use
.-Titel IV. Common provisions
.-Title V. Rental processes

 Toni Marqués. Real Estate specialist

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